Monday, March 30, 2009

A Busy Monday

A ha, this time I found Mammam!

Playing Hide and Seek with Mammam, she found me!

Lunch time, yeah.

I don't know all the words yet, but like the pictures.

Reading the Reader's Digest.

She needs her "blankie"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Alpha-fest Today

It was a great day.

I enjoyed the hula hoop contest the BEST!

I danced with Mommie

We even went to a "Sock Hop", I liked the balls and baloons.

I got a hug from the Chick-filet mascot, she was so nice

My first tatoo, of course it will wash off.

Itsy Bitsy Spider was playing so I had to dance.

No prize for the bowling , but did enjoy it.

I put the hoops on this game, then I took them off, that wasn't part of the game, but I liked it.

They invited us into a 50's Diner, and a lady made a necklace for me.

So many games and yes, more suckers, ymmm.

I won a sucker this time, Yeah.

I spun the wheel, and won a grand prize so I chose the stuffed cow, how cute

Mommie took me to Alphafest today, first they gave me a baloon, they they painted a beautiful butterfly on my cheek.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My New Acrobatic Trick

I thought I was stuck for sure this time, but I was able to work my way out and then quickly did it again. Wonder what I will attempt next, HMMMM.

"Picking Up On Everything"

"Mi"'s Mom and Dad are teaching her to pick up her things and to throw trash away. The other day while in the car in a parking lot, Mi was watching a young mother push her stroller to her car and put the child in the car, then take a cup out of the stroller and put it on the pavement behind her car. As she watched, Mi said" that is Garbage"(I had never heard her say garbage before). I looked to see what she was talking about and saw the cup, and said "yes it is". The lady got in her car and was driving off, when Mi said, "oh no, she is leaving her garbage". Hope she is always that concerned about litter! Little ones catch on so quick.

Happy birthday "C"

Today is my cousin "C"'s 4th birthday. This is a picture of her Dad, and her, it is about 2 yrs old , so she has grown some since then. They live in Texas, so we don't get to see her as often as we would like. Hope you have a great day"C".

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Busy Day

Mammam and Aunt "B" had some sewing to do , so my Great Grandma's came over also to Play with me. We played and played, sure hope they slept good last night, I really tried to keep them entertained.